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Hip Stretches to Get You Loose For Your Run!

Preparing your body before a run is essential for making sure you stay injury-free during that run. While focusing on overall mobility, it's crucial not to overlook the importance of hip flexibility. The hips play a significant role in running mechanics, and making sure they find all their range of motion before your run is pivotal to make sure you’re running your best. Based on the latest research, let's explore three highly effective exercises to get optimal hip flexibility.

1. Hip Flexor Stretch: The hip flexors, including the psoas and rectus femoris muscles, are key players in hip mobility during running. To stretch these muscles, start in a lunge position with your right knee on the ground and left foot forward. Keeping your torso upright, gently shift your weight forward, feeling a stretch in the front of your right hip. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat on the other side. Research indicates that static stretching for shorter durations (around 30 seconds) can effectively improve hip flexor flexibility without negatively impacting performance.

2. Pigeon Pose: Pigeon pose is a yoga-inspired stretch that targets the hip external rotators and gluteal muscles. Begin in a plank position and bring your right knee forward, placing it behind your right hand. Extend your left leg behind you and lower your body onto the ground, feeling a deep stretch in the right hip. Hold this position for 30 seconds to one minute, then switch sides. Recent studies suggest that incorporating dynamic stretching exercises like pigeon pose can enhance muscle elasticity and joint range of motion before running.

3. Figure Four Stretch: The figure four stretch targets the piriformis muscle, which runs diagonally across the buttocks, supporting hip stability and rotation. Start by lying on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the ground. Cross your right ankle over your left knee, creating a figure four shape. Use your hands to gently pull your left thigh toward your chest until you feel a stretch in your right buttock. Hold for 30 seconds and repeat on the other side. Current research highlights that incorporating static stretching exercises like the figure four stretch can improve hip flexibility and potentially reduce the risk of running-related injuries.

Before your running shoes hit the concrete, don’t forget the importance of keeping your hips mobile before you run! Whether hip flexors, extensors, external rotators, internal rotators, adductors, or abductors, these are 3 significant stretches to begin trying to get those muscles stretched and at your best during your running performance. And remember, if you have pain or dysfunctional movements causing trouble during your run, come see us at Focus On Health!